Wednesday, December 24, 2008

buying a home pt 2

i got a call from eugene the realtor today, saying our offer was accepted!!!111ONEOneone he said in his slow, drawling voice, "you know, it was close...close...but we got it for you." that means, fools, you offered about $20k more than the closest. haha, i'm going out to celebrate tomorrow.

but, we've got an offer acceptance, so now suddenly it's becoming super, super scary. the seller wants 24 hour turnaround, so given tomorrow is christmas, we need to send in two things by friday: a signed purchase and sale agreement, and a bank check for the downpayment. this is the moment where i say "i thought my d90 was an impulse buy. but this is on a completely different scale." and i panic because having to sign something and hand over a check is like putting the first nail in the coffin lid. it's not quite done yet, but you are already feeling panicked and suffocated.

so now we have to talk to the inspector to schedule an inspection. and the mortgage agent, to finalize the mortgage and officially put me back into debt. OMG WTF IS GOING ON!?

i have to admit, though, not yet judging whether this is good or bad, that it is more exciting that this all happened so fast. (ok, it's probably bad.) yet i also had a brief moment of panic when i realized that my cash reserves are at a low, and i'd have to be resourceful to put together our downpayment, because i'd recently paid off a large debt that was at 0% interest and could have waited one month more, but that was before i knew i'd buy a house. i hope people don't say one day, "it's people like you who made the economy the way it is, buying houses you can't afford."


Suz said...

er... it's more people like investment bankers and hedge fund managers who derivatized the hell of out financial products (like mortgages) and valued them at much higher than they were worth that made the economy bad. I know how Thomas Friedman likes to blame ordinary people, but let's not forget who the real bad guys are.

And btw what are you talking about with that post not being me? It's totally me!

Christine L. said...

omg congrats! ^^