Sunday, December 21, 2008

dream diary

ok just because it's interesting and maybe i'll try to start remembering dreams so i can train myself to become a lucid dreamer, here is a summary of what happened in my head last night. it's strange like a huge drama. there are tidbits of everything and everyone who i interacted with/talked about yesterday. i wish i could make a movie out of it but once it's outside of my dream it wont be as interesting.

1 - talking with k.c. in a house while a hurricane raged outside. i think we were talking about c.c. swimming with boys in lakes.
2 - h.c. breaking up with her boyfriend who just turned 18 and wanted sex. she ran out of the building crying. i went after her. when we returned to talk about it, her father grilled me and gave me a lecture about saying hi while maintaining eye contact.
3 - playing soccer or football, and seeing a 12 year old kid with a hand cast catch the ball, and hurt himself. cfm goes over there to check out the rebroken hand and to give advice based his own injuries, which was unappreciated.
4 - playing dodgeball with cfm with three baseball caps. we were jumping around in a large bedroom in the woods, doing matrix style dodges. this might have then morphed into the big house with a hurricane.
5 - mary, sharon, jordan and anye walking up the steps to mass ave. mary asking for someone's iphone so she could check facebook, and asked that our website be made compatible for a smaller screen.
6 - going to a friend's boat and finding that he was having a party. auggie was there (phi sig auggie, not tkd auggie) and we played cds off of a wireless stereo that also had a tape deck.

i dont think i drank anything last night...what an interesting night.

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