Monday, May 13, 2013

Leg day

I'm on a quest to increase my vertical. After a few weeks of on and off leg work plus taekwondo training, I'm going to try to start being more methodical about it. Mainly, I want to measure my vertical every Monday. My 3 month goal is to gain 6 inches, to hit 24 inches on Aug 13. (Not sure if those are realistic numbers.)

My routine, which I've been doing once a week:

1:30 continuous, 30 seconds rest, 2 sets
Box squats with bar (20 lbs on either side, 25 lbs on either side)
Lunges with bar (20 lbs on either side, 25 lbs on either side)
Single leg deadlift with bar (10 lbs on either side, 10 lbs)
Kneeups with bar on shoulder (just the bar)

Band jump
Platform step up with dumbells (20 lb dumbells)
Single leg squat with dumbells (20 lb dumbells)

Vertical Measurements
5/13/2013 19"

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