Wednesday, March 7, 2012

TechStars: March Thoughts

If I've learned one thing at TechStars, it's that I'm a decent iOS developer. Maybe the scope of the projects I've taken on here for the various iPhone possessing companies has been small enough to be fruitful and *possible*, but I have learned a lot and feel that I've accomplished a bit just as a hackstar.

It is now totally more viable for me to be an iOS developer/contractor than a bartender.

A few days ago when I was doing work at the local coffee shop I realized that with my iPhone and developer's license, I could build anything I wanted. That's kind of the gist of being a tech startup person...we're able to build anything we want, with little cost and overhead and initial investment, and be more visible and viral because of the medium. I simply never had the web skills or design skills to do it...but package everything neatly into a little mobile phone and I am empowered.

I feel like I now have a different outlook on startups. In some ways, it takes very little to make a company, and to turn it into something. If you have just the right resources and the right idea, it's not a pipe dream. At TechStars, we make things into reality, or at least a static landing page indicating that the reality is just a few steps away. And sometimes having the right landing page is really all it takes to make others believe, and to get the ball rolling.

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