Thursday, October 9, 2008


i used to think i could do anything. it would always just be a matter of time...somehow, good things will happen, and i would have the capability to meet the need and take on a challenge. today i find that it's not that easy, and that maybe i have to really look a bit, and think about what exactly i want to do with my life. i sometimes regret taking the path i have now, and wish that i could be back in college. and seeing the phi sigs with john kerry in my old house was like feeling young, and full of potential and hope, and damn proud again. and at the same time, reading about the playboys of tech...wasn't that what i was supposed to be, four years ago? what happened? i knew that i should be daydreaming of a change in lifestyle, and i guess i still can't yet...and sometimes i wonder, WWJWD?

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